We will have vespers at church for St Herman and St Lucia, followed by coffee and some sweet treats at the parish house. We will have a fire in the fire pit behind the parish house—bring your own seating!
Church School Family Bowling Outing
Saturday November 20 at 3:00 pm
Cardinal Lanes Beach Bowl
7026 Market Street
Wilmington, NC 28411
Cost: $3.00 per person per game
Shoe rental:$3.25 for Adults and $2.25 for children
Text or call Nancy with the number of bowlers at (607) 329-1804 by Monday November 8, so I know how many lanes to reserve. I plan to ask for bumpers to make the bowling more fun for the little ones.
Campout for Leavetaking of Pentecost
Join us for a campout on the Church grounds June 25-26. We will serve all of the day's services at their appointed times (see below); between services we will enjoy fellowship around a campfire (guitars and other instruments welcome!), supper over the fire (meats provided), stargazing (bring telescopes!), and hopefully some sleep. Bring a tent and sleeping bag to stay the whole time, or come for what you can! Begins Friday, June 25 with Vespers at 6 PM and ends Saturday with Divine Liturgy at 8 AM. See the full schedule below. Please RSVP if you plan to join us for dinner at Vespers Friday so that we can prepare enough food.
6 PM Vespers
Dinner following Vespers
8:30 PM Compline
1 AM Midnight Office
6 AM Matins, followed by the Hours
8 AM Divine Liturgy
St Lucia Celebration: CANCELLED
This event is cancelled this year! We’re looking forward to seeing you next year.
St Basil Thanksgiving
In recent years, we’ve hosted a Thanksgiving meal at St Basil’s: what about this year? We have some creative ideas up our sleeves, and we’d like to know if you’re interested!
Please contact Pam King if you’d like to attend or to cook. Her information is in the directory!