St Basil Cemetery

O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting? -1 Cor 15.55 (RSV)


Pricing of Plots

  1. Members of St Basil Church: $1,500

  2. Clergy/Monastics: free (donations welcome)

  3. Orthodox members of other Churches: $2,000

  4. All others: Please contact the Priest to discuss

View the current plot map →

*We hope not to turn anyone away because of inability to pay for a plot. Such cases will be addressed individually at the time of death.

Forms and Cemetery Rules

If you would like to purchase a plot, please contact us. Interment rights application and Cemetery Rules are linked below; you are welcome to begin filling out pages one and two if you are ready to purchase a plot.


Please note that plots are non-transferable and non-refundable – the cemetery is maintained as a ministry of St Basil Orthodox Church, and a designated gravesite is not to be confused with real-estate ownership. Pricing is set and reviewed annually, and is subject to change. Funds from the sale of plots will be used to care for the cemetery.