January 5
8 AM Royal Hours
6 PM Vesperal Divine Liturgy and indoor blessing of the waters
January 6
8:45 AM Baptisms
9 AM Divine Liturgy, followed by outdoor blessing of the waters
We will bless the Cape Fear River just past Riverside Park Community Building in Castle Hayne
Click here for Google Maps directions from church to our river spot
3:30 PM Vespers
St Basil's Day and the Feast of the Circumcision
Dec 31: 6 PM Vespers
Jan 1: 9 AM Festal Liturgy, followed by a St Basil’s day potluck feast!
Nativity of the Theotokos
The Nativity of the Theotokos is September 8. We will celebrate this feast with vespers on Tuesday, September 7 at 6 PM, and a festal divine liturgy on Wednesday, September 8 at 9:30 AM.
Transfiguration, Aug 6
We will celebrate the great feast of the Transfiguration with vespers on Thursday, Aug 5, at 6 pm, and a festal Divine Liturgy on Friday, Aug 6, at 9:30 am. Bring fruits to church to be blesssed! Also, enjoy a lessening of the Dormition fast and feast on some fish.
Pentecost Kneeling Vespers
We will celebrate Pentecost on June 20. Kneeling vespers will happen right after liturgy, followed by coffee hour.
Ascension: June 10
Ascension Liturgy: June 10 at 9:30 AM.
Please join us for Morgan’s chrismation on Holy Saturday at 1:30 PM, right before vesperal liturgy. What a wonderful thing to celebrate her reception into the church!
Great Canon and Life of St Mary of Egypt
Thursday, Apr 15 at 6 PM: Great Canon and Life of St Mary of Egypt.
Vesperal Liturgy on Thursday, Mar 25 at 6 PM
Presanctified Liturgy
To prepare for presanctified liturgy, start a strict fast of no food or drink at noon. Join us at 6 PM.
Great Canon of Forgiveness
Here are service texts you can use at home.
Forgiveness Vespers
Come to Forgiveness Vespers! There’s no better way to start the fast. We’ll start Lent together at 6 PM on Sunday, March 14.
Blessing of a Warrior before Deployment
Join us in praying for Jeff C. before his deployment with the Marine Corps. We’ll look forward to having him back safe and sound in the fall. Please keep him and his wife Jennifer in your prayers.
Meeting of the Lord in the Temple
Vespers at 6 pm on Monday, Feb 1
Liturgy at 9.30 am on Tuesday, Feb 2
Parish Feast: Three Hierarchs
Feast of St Basil the Great: Jan 1
Nativity Service Schedule
Please click here for a PDF of our schedule of Nativity services.