Saint Emelia Meeting July 11,2022
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The painting night has been changed to August 11 due to many conflicts of members. We will begin the class at 5:30PM at St Basil. Please bring your favorite appetizer to share. We will paint on a 12X14 canvas and it was decided a flower would be the easiest. Cost for supplies will be around $5.00 each. Please let either Matushka Anne or Jenn Scully know if you will be attending.
Since we moved the activity back, our monthly luncheon is back. Tuesday, July 26, at 11:00 AM we will dine in Leland – New Day Café. Again please let Matushka Anne if you will be attending.
Nancy gave us an update on meals on wheels and Lynn is checking for gift baskets.
We discussed the use of electing/volunteering as officers for the sisterhood. We also again talked about our mission statement. We hope to have all plans in place for the new church calendar year September.
Officers are president (leader), secretary, flower committee, sunshine lead, activity arranger. Consider filling one of these positions as your ministry.