All St Basil women are welcome to join us for dinner at Panacea Brewing Co Pho Cafe on Tues, Mar 29, at 6 PM.
Fish Potluck for Annunciation
Please bring your favorite fish dish or side to share to celebrate the great feast of the Annunciation! Everyone is welcome!
St Emilia Women's Guild: Pysanky on March 26
St Emilia Women’s Guild is gathering to explore pysanky! On March 26 at 11 AM, we will be decorating eggs. Please bring your egg already blown out to the meeting. M. Anne will provide all other materials. See you there!
Come celebrate this great feast of the Theotokos with us! We will have vespers at noon on 3/24, and a vesperal liturgy at 6 PM on 3/25.
Warrior Blessing Service: Mar 20
We will pray for Jeff after liturgy on March 20.
Presanctified Liturgy: Mar 30
March 30th, at 6 PM, we’ll have Presanctified Liturgy, followed by a potluck Lenten supper. (Begin your eucharistic fast by noon.)
Graveside Service: Help needed before Mar 14
We have a graveside service for Allen Basala at St Basil Cemetery on Monday afternoon (around 3pm). If you are able to help dig the grave this weekend, please contact Fr Andrew.
Anointing Morgan: Mar 13
Join us after Sunday liturgy in praying for Morgan as we anoint her in the Holy Mystery of Unction. Keep her in your prayers.
You can read more about unction on the OCA’s website here.
Sunday of Orthodoxy: Mar 13
Sunday is Orthodoxy Sunday! Bring an icon to liturgy for our procession. Let’s keep coffee hour brief and relatively light—make every effort to return for Orthodoxy Vespers at 4 PM.
Memorial Saturday Liturgy: Mar 19
Send names of your departed loved ones to Father Andrew. If you would like to bring kolyva, please let us know! Vespers for the departed will be March 18 at 6 PM. Liturgy on March 19 at 9 AM.
Orthodoxy Vespers: Mar 13
At 4pm we will host our sister Orthodox parishes for our first Sunday of Orthodoxy vespers! We are providing a Lenten meal afterward—contact Pam King if you can help with setup. Let’s keep coffee hour brief and relatively light—make every effort to return for this special afternoon service and meal.
Volunteer Opportunity! Parish House
At this time we are looking for help preparing the house for visitors and for cleaning up after a visit. Please email Lynn if you are interested in helping!
Deescalation Training: Mar 13
March 13 during coffee hour
All are welcome to attend a one-hour workshop with Jeff Catiglione about deescalating potential altercations. With tensions running high in our communities, and globally, it behooves us to learn practical techniques to minimize conflict. As followers of the Prince of Peace, we all have a responsibility to share that peace with others. If you are interested in being a greeter please attend!
Church School: Mar 19
Please RSVP here if you’re planning to attend: this helps us to plan ahead! (Especially for our potluck meal before vespers.) Everyone is welcome; we have classes for adults and children.
Church School: Mar 26
Please RSVP here if you’re planning to attend: this helps us to plan ahead! (Especially for our potluck meal before vespers.) Everyone is welcome; we have classes for adults and children. We’ll be making Lenten pretzels together!
St Emilia Women's Guild updates
The women’s guild will meet on March 20, not March 13 as previously scheduled.
We will be doing pysanky on March 26 at 11 am. Please bring your own blown-out egg to join us in exploring this beautiful art!
Tuesday, March 29, we will have a women’s dinner out: all women of the parish are invited! We will announce where at the March 20 meeting.
Church School: Mar 5
The adults will have class, while the children have a fun activity! Please join us for class, followed by a potluck meal before Great Vespers.
Please click here to RSVP! We are asking for RSVPs to help everyone (families, adults, and teachers) stay on the same page each week.
Men's Group: Mar 12
All men of the parish are welcome! Please join us at 9 AM for time spent together.
Presanctified Liturgy: Apr 18
Please join us on April 18 at noon for a presanctified liturgy on Holy Monday. (As you’re able, fast from the night before.)
Great Canon of Repentance
We’ll see you on March 7, 8 and 10 for the Great Canon of Repentance. Please come and let the beautiful, penitent words of St Andrew of Crete wash over your soul this Clean Week.